well hello-y family. i AM a poet.
i am tired.
hey i only got sick cuz its part of the deal. if i dont get sick i cant be healthy. its in second nephi 2. the song i told you in spanish is i know that my redeemer lives. i love that song in qeqchi.
this last week was super interesting. we had lots of success. we decided that it was because of the real birthday of Christ being the 6th of april. there was a special spirit working with us this last week. we set lots of baptismal dates. still working with the families. victor, edmundo, gloria, carlos, roberto and his wife, santos and his wife should be progressing a lot this next week. we set baptismal dates with them but they didnt get to the church. we also have two baptismal dates that are more for sure. oscar and frander will be for the 21st of this month. the others we will probably change for the 30. so no baptism this week. just so they can all get baptized as a family.
we also visited the parents of two young men members. it was one of the most powerful lessons i have ever been present in. my companion and i just were overcome by unexplainable love for them and their family. it was the craziest thing. we were both crying by the end of it. it is a very special family. a long time ago they lost a child. the two young men members, milton and wilmar, did his temple work. so now we know that that has definitely been taken into account and that the other side of the veil is strongly interested in this family. i cant wait to see how they do this week.
tell kacy to stand up and start doing what she needs to be doing.
yesterday were interviews with president torres and we had zone conference today. the interview was great. he complimented me. i love president and sister torres. especially now that they are going home. you kinda get a sneak peak as to who they really are.
i got a cool wood plac thing. with elder larsen on one side and laj kaxlan on the other. there is also a burnt engraving of missionaries with the stripling warriors. its pretty cool.
i will make sure to find something that can only be bought in guatemala for dad and zack. as for the girls i would like you to wear the traditional clothing at my homecoming. i have a tie made from the corte skirts they wear here. its what i am wearing in the picture. ps. elder norton is the one standng right next to me. that kid is so funny. he cracks me up. he is 100% hilarious. his qeqchi name is woodpecker for his head haha. i love elder norton. he always tells me to say hi to kels.... hi kels. :)
i think i'll call lindsey woodpecker for other reasons. that tends to break noses.
thank you for getting my classes squared away. and the major i think will be mechanical enginering.
im thinking that the corte skirts might be a lot of money :/ but itd be super cool. }
as for the housing i dont know. whatever you moms decide. i would certainly like to be in a singles ward as you probably can guess. you guys decide. love you :)
yes i bore my testimony today. they are running out as a missionary. not much time left danget...
i may be transferred this next transfer but i have no idea. i told elder legua and elder howard to put in a good word for me for staying in qeqchi areas. so we'll see what happens.
i'm out of time!! i love you and miss you all soooo much. sue says she misses me too. i miss her. tell everyone i miss them and love them. k bye.
Life is a Mission - WA'RANIN
12 years ago